Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nothing specific for Mr. Scatter-braindead

Well, I've let a bit of time pass since my last blog update, and in truth, it's because I haven't much to say these days. Yeah, odd. Apparently, considering the dearth of comments from the last 3 posts, no one else has had anything to say either. No, I don't live by the crumbs left on my blog -- otherwise I'd update this puppy daily. Just making a point that perhaps we're being a little more introspective these days.

I mean, sure, a lot more has come out about the falsified information on global warming, with even one of the head honchos stating there hasn't been significant warming since 1995 -- and he (Phil Jones) was a huge propagator to pushing AGW. Not much coverage in the US about this, huh? I wanted to post about all this, but more stuff keeps coming out. I guess the science isn't settled on the matter.

And then there's all the talk of Greece going under financially, which has been killing the Euro (but bolstering the dollar). Spain, Portugal and Ireland not far behind...

I honestly do not want to make another post about the US/global financial market (as my last post is seemingly spot-on still), but I did find this rather relevant post on AT as to why economists are stating that the US is financially "unsustainable" right now. And it came with graphs! I love graphs! [But not hockey-stick graphs...]

Anyway, I guess I am sorta taking a mental break from economics and even politics. There comes a point when your head starts spinning and you just can internalize everything being thrown at you. It's hard enough parsing through the "news" and trying to piece together the real truth. Every time I hear something out of Keith Olberman or Chris Matthews, I get angry rather quickly. Talking heads spewing hateful rhetoric, tearing down Palin at any opportunity, blaming Bush, calling people names or labeling them "worst person" in libelous fashion.

Going back to blaming Bush because Obama "inherited" this mess. Uhm, ya know what, this has been inherited by every president since LBJ who instituted MediCare, MediCaid & Welfare. [And technically, no president has inherited them more than the tax payer.] Sure, they are great programs (heh), but they are fiscally insolvent and will continue to be until the demise of the US, which is practically guaranteed with the current captain at the helm. Back to back trillion dollar deficits will break any bank, and China is selling off US Treasuries so where will these deficits get funding, besides the local money printing shoppes?

Moving on to more frivolous topics...


However, I have also been re-examining Ariel from the Little Mermaid. Yes, I still do not like her. But Snow White has been steadily climbing up in the depth chart of "stupid princess" ranks. This is due to the fact we got this movie for Christmas, and I've had to watch it a few times ... in one day. Several times over.

How could I attack her? Well, it is still marginally a free country, but also, Snow White just doesn't get it. How many warnings does she need and does she dye her hair often because there seems to be some obvious blond roots lurking constantly in the foreground (no offense to smart blonds much like myself). "Watch out for the queen, watch out for the queen!" Oops, she fell for it again. In the original story, she gets tricked 3 times. Disney thankfully shortened it to one encounter. Still, Snow White, since you cannot listen to an easy command that would save your life, I dub thee the dumbest princess in the book. Yet, that is better than my opinion of Ariel... Stupid sexually charged, disobedient, belligerent, statutory enabling, homicide provoking, red-headed, air-brained, animal deceiving, royalty brat! "Oh Prince Eric, you're so handsome ... blah, blah, blah, let me sell my soul so we can make out and have an underage marriage happily ever after!" Blech!

Sadly, my daughter likes the above two princesses the most, and I don't know which is worse: a hide-out blond with a fetish for 7 freakish men and an inability to 'just say no' or, the emotionally charged 'my way or highway' mermaid who falls in love by the mere visage of prince Eric.

I need more Cinderella or Belle around here. Classy, smart girls with good work ethic, a wholesome sense of fashion, and the patience to not jump into things without looking where they leap. Either of which I would recommend over getting into current economics or politics... Just sayin'.

Be prepared.