Sunday, March 21, 2010

In Sickness or in Healthcare

Yeah, it's been a while. I was looking for my compass, or maybe trade winds, to continue to push me along as I was feeling just a tad burned out on politics, as you may have noted in my last post.

Well, after tonight, it would be sufficient to say that I am mad as hell at a congress and presidency that completely ignored the will of the majority in this country, and passed an unconstitutional law mandating that we buy health care coverage or face a seemingly massive penalty and/or up to 5 years in prison. There is so much more tripe in this bill of +2000 pages that I'm not even going to bother touching it any more, as I've already discussed it in other blog posts. But, mark your calendars accordingly: July 4th, Independence Day; March 21st, Dependence Day.

As promised by Obama, this will fundamentally change this country forever, when your freedoms were sold to politicians for back-door deals and illegal means.


I heard someone say the other day that Obama is alienating his voter base. I would argue that he is, in fact, not. He was never a "democrat" to begin with. When he first ran for political office in Chicago, for the state Senate, he ran on the "New Party" ticket, which is a Marxist platform, or in other words, Communism. It wasn't until his reelection that he switched to being a supposed democrat. He isn't alienating his party, he is alienating their party by pretending to be one of them.

I fear this all goes back to Bill Ayers, former member of the SDS and Weatherman Underground, wherein he stated that in order to change, fundamentally change, the US, between 25-30 million people would need to be eliminated. I feel Obama has gotten us one step closer to this realization. People are starting to be afraid now. They've seen what Washington can do, and I bet gun sales really start to take off starting tomorrow.

It's not all that hard to fathom, really. It happened in Russia, China, Vietnam, Cambodia and such government will continue to happen, even on our soil, as we saw tonight.

Immigration reform is next on the docket for Obama. Now that the major hurdle of Healthcare has been breached, really, what's to stop anything else?

Hopefully, the Tenthers.