Thursday, May 21, 2009

Paved with good intentions

So I've discussed my thoughts on why socialism is not a good thing. Fair enough. Now lets look at the people themselves who uphold it.

In my opinion, they fall into two categories; 1) are those with clear intentions that socialism is the answer, and 2) those that are "sheeple," a new term conjunctive of sheep + people. These are the ones that "drink the Kool-Aide." More on this latter.

On the first category, we have people that have a penchant for Marxism and an envious eye towards supposedly successful socialized states, such as France, Germany, etc. They are not typically active Christian faith, but they do have a faith -- a faith that the government can fix mans problems; poverty, health care, education, war, etc. Every time a socialist government arises, somehow the perpetrators think that "this time, we will be successful because we are smarter, wiser, and gosh darnit, sheeple like us!" But, people are not perfect (heh, we killed the only perfect one!), and with that imperfection comes imperfect government -- every single time. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

And thus, the situation never improves.

So, looking at those "improved" programs... when capitalism is in full swing, unemployment hovers around 5%. Do you know what the medium unemployment rate is for socialised countries? 10%. What's that? Yes, it creats more poverty instead of curing it. Why not? Unemployment benefits are extended, so why bother working if you get a long hand-out. The Stimulus bill extended unemployment benefits in the US, how cool is that? I'll be drawing it in a week. Guess I can't complain too much.

How about that glorious state driven health care? Many countries in Europe are actually pushing for more privatized health care because it has been a castastrophy. Ever wonder why Canadians come to the US for surgeries? Because it takes too long to get it done up North. We go to them for perscriptions, they come to us for treatment. Kind of a fair trade, I assume. We already nag about waiting 3 hours in an ER room, yet Britain just celebrated the fact that they got the wait to under 18 hours recently. Here's Canada's average, 20 hours 48 minutes.

Here's the real deal: instead of your doctor making the choices, he'll have to remand it to the state, which will be inundated with requests, which will bog the system down, and then some accountant will be doing cost analysis on your request. Finally, a decision will come back and if it was a mastectomy and this took more than 2 months for the turnaround (which is fast for socialized medicine, FYI), well, might as well be a death sentence. That cancer has probably moved on to other organs by now.

I'm not going to talk about all those programs I first highlighted above, but the point is, there are people who have studied and promote socialism despite all the ills it brings to the table. As a matter of fact, we call these people liberals which is a huge misnomer for them. Liberal, from the same cognate as Liberty, meaning, freedom. Make no mistake, it does not free you from anything except responsibility. They now go by "progressives", but they are Statists -- people who support government as the ultimate elixir -- the cure-all for mans ills. These people are educated at some of the finest institutes in the country. They deny truth and facts, and go on good feelings. Well, Hitler made people feel good too, and we all know where that got us.

The Statist has good intentions, and I mean that. They want to help the poor, impoverished, unhealthy, uneducated, and so forth, but they mean to do so at someone else's expense, punishing the actual people that keep the country running and the government in power. This is where the second teer of statists come in. They go to a "democrat" rally and feel energized that he or she can actually do something to help with these world wide problems, and all they really have to do is vote for such a candidate who has an agenda to fix it all. This is called 'drinking the Kool-Aide,' because all you have to do is agree and not think -- that's been done for you. They agree on upping the taxation to be "fair," even though 40% don't actually pay taxes at all. Isn't it fair when we all participate? And that's where the Statist falls off. They don't think beyond the feelings. They do not find the truth of the matter, even though they may be college educated. But let's look at college education these days.

What do you really learn in college these days? Analytical skills? Not so much, unless you go to law, and even then you're not expounding beyond the set plays of the instructor, unless you enjoy jeorpodizing your grades. I was told by a professor that we "needed to be careful who we voted for this election," because " they were talking about bringing back the draft." Which caused audible 'gasps.' Who would do such a thing? I found out it was two democrats who were drafting the bill. This teacher was a liberal, but withheld information in an attempt to sway ideas. I looked it up. Did anyone else in the class? Doubtful. Sure, just one instance of a few, but you aren't taught to think, but just regurgitate "facts" onto a multiple choice test with answers that align with the professor's beliefs. Then you flush it out of your brain and make room for the next class. Seriously, that's what we do.

Moving on.

I've been reflecting upon a quote recently, and it is a great quote. You know it all to well. It is based upon the American Dream in some regards. To quote isn't actually his -- he got it from a school master during his youth, but that doesn't matter. He immortalized it. And he was a democrat back when they were not socialists, but the other side of the coin in an honorable society:

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country!"
-Pres. John F. Kennnedy

Beautiful. Name one democrat that espouses that ideology today? This is a democrat making an anti-Statist statement. Unless, expanding the government is what you think you can do for your country, but let's talk about that.

The Constitution does not grant the US Government to right to set up programs; it deliberately defers that right to the states themselves, as outlined in the Bill of Rights (e.g., Amendments #9 & #10). This means that Social Security (bankrupt), Medicare/caid (bankrupt), Education (always cutbacks), and soon Healthcare, are all unconstitutional. We're being taxed for things that are not even supported by our founding fathers in the Constitution. And the Statists are pushing for even more.

Okay, lets leave the side tangents for a bit and get back to the topic; "The road to hell is paved with good intentions." It certainly is. The Statist has good intentions for the most part as noted above. Then are some, as cited in the new Batman movie, when Alfred is talking to Bruce about the character of men, and, "some of them just like to see the world burn." Socialism is certainly a segue to that. Remember, when you've perfected socialsim, you have communism. And what stopped communism from taking over Europe? Capitalism -- the US. It's what got us into Vietnam, trying to stop the flow of evil ideology. And it is evil because people are evil. Imagine what'll happen once we're binded with socialism. Think of all the places in the world where the US has stopped aggression; Korea, Tawain, Israel, and I know that the US threatened Nicaragua from invading the military-less Costa Rica back in the 1950s. I bet there are lots of similar circumstances.

Socialized Europe looks promising, but it is rotting away. Their cultures are eroding from within, because they cannot sustain growth, and I mean that both economically and citizenry. They are burdened with too many programs, and not enough producers (i.e., taxable citizens). The natural birth rate is 1.38. In order to sustain itself, a country needs 2.11. The US is 2.11 with illegal immigration. No country has survived from 1.3 birth rate. The German Federal Statistical Office recently stated that by 2050, Islam will be the majority in their state (oh, Islam has an 8.1 birth rate in Europe). Do you know why they stated that? It's too late for Germany. It's too late for Russia as well. Illegals in the US have similar statistics.

This is what happens to socialized countries. They lose borders, they lose their health, they lose their wealth, they lose the will to produce because after a while, we all feel the need for entitlement. We cease to have absolute truths and everything becomes "relative." Not your place to judge between rights and wrong. Not only that, we cease to have a religious following.

Socialism basically started in the US in 1932, when FDR took office and vastly expanded the government. It was reitereated with LBJ's "Great Society" and Carter's push with CRA and controlling money loaning. Clinton tried a few things, but was a centrist and failed at health care, but did push harder with the CRA ordeal. Bush gave the government more power with the Patriot Act, which was a honest idea until it was used against citizens as the recent DHS report demonstrated. And now we have a true Statist disciple in power, taking advantage of a crisis, knowing full well of his intentions, and seeking to reface the US. Most likely it'll be a bloodless coup, because the drinks of apathy are aplenty, besides, who's willing to die for a cause anymore? Again, entitlement already -- I have so much more to lose than those forefathers 230 years ago.

And I'd miss my shows... among other things.

I apologize for the randomness of this post. Upon reflection, it is an atrocity. But, it is late, I have work tomorrow, and I'm just going to skip editing altogether. Fish through it as you like.

1 comment:

Amanda Davis said...

I have to say I enjoyed reading your thoughts!!! I wish that there were more people who knew what they are really talking about and understood what they were getting into when they flapped their mouths about equality and how great things will be... if they only new! I think my brothers would love reading your blog too since I know they would totally agree with you!!!