Thursday, August 28, 2008

About this blog

The title was not my first choice. Nor my second or third. Coincidently, not my fourteenth or twenty-second. I think it fell somewhere between 38th and 101st. It matterth not, quite frankly. But it is highly probable that I will think up something a little more cunning in the near future. Still, it took almost an hour before this title was found, and by then, I was perturbed just enough to accept it so I could write the first post at 3:30am.

As for my name, The Hero, well, naturally that has a story behind it. I'm not that presumptuous ... yet.

I think it was 1993 -- yeah, pretty sure of it. I'd actually have to check my journal for a more definitive date, but I don't know where it is and also, I am lazy. But, trusting upon my trusty brain, 1993 it is. It centers around two points of history, not far apart in time.

A good but long gone friend of mine, who was my Order of the Arrow adviser as well as excellent cook had some property where we would fire off various weapons. Having been influenced by Lethal Weapon movies and Die Hard mentalities, I attempted to do a roll-and-shoot. Basically, if I could imbue a sense of stupidity into any who reads; you go from a stand, to your belly, and then roll towards the right while firing the hand gun (in this case, an old .38 service revolver). Bullets where flying everywhere. It was immediately recognized as being "stupid" and as soon as I got up, I received quick criticism, with the last retort being, "... way to be the hero."

So, it started out as a rebuttal nickname, of sorts. However, as circumstances would have it, the same adviser would be on a rafting trip with us (which in and of itself is another story). As it turned out, said adviser would wind up getting pinned under water, drowning, and I was able to save him with the help of another scout. From that point, "Hero" changed definitions. I rarely hear this nickname anymore, save for those that were there, either day.

Anyway, there you have a basis of understanding for this blog. Concepts and Judgments was just another way to say "opinions" more or less. Opinions are based on your concept of things, and your judgment on the matter. Of course, some of us are more right than others, right? Sure...


Kari said...

Should I link this explanation to my blog?

Kari said...

I dunno, should you?